Monday, August 16, 2010

Photoshop? dangg!!! plzz answer?

which photoshop shud i get?

i want one really badly but i dnt know were it is

anyone give me a link?

i want one for editing my piks! thxx

plzz help!

Photoshop? dangg!!! plzz answer?ktm

If you don't have any advanced image editors yet and don't know how to use them, I suggest you start with GIMP. Why? Because it's free, so you can try it out all you want without actually spending money. You can download it here:

Once you have a better understanding of how image editors work and which features you want to be able to use, you can decide whether you want to buy a proprietary image editor such as Photoshop, Corel Photopaint or Paint Shop Pro.

Photoshop? dangg!!! plzz answer?nortan

try this it is pretty good and free!
I recommend SOME version of Photshop, rather than any of the other ''freeware'' that may be available. Photoshop Elements is relatively inexpensive, and an outdated version can be found even cheaper.

The reason I recommend Photoshop is that it give you the opportunity to do more than simple color and image manipulation. Also, if you end up with a real interest in upgrading to a full version, up to date version, you won't have to lose any time learning new conventions and methods. You can, simply build up from what you learn from your simpler version of Photoshop.
i think you have to go buy a disk for it, im not sure how much it will cost you, but it takes up around 2 gigs of memory just to install it
ok here goes it! if you do decide to get photoshop. CS3 version is the best on the market right now hands down. it has advanced features. it will come with a tutorial dvd/cd rom.

i suggest doing the tutorials so you get the very best out of the program. I am a graphic designer and use the program often. it by far exceeds the later versions. and has many new features.

you can find a free 30 day trial on and if you like it and can functionally use it. you can purchase a code to continue to use it.

good luck.
I would just have do your editing!!! They do a really good job and you dont have spend $1000 on photoshop!

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