Monday, August 16, 2010

How good are Colin Smiths photoshop programs? I'm very much into photoshop, and interested in l

What is the most in dept material out there that can take you into photoshop? I'm takeing a course which involves photoshop. I'm always looking for new ideas. My instructor is a professional illustrator, I get as much info. as possible from him. But there's so much more.

How good are Colin Smiths photoshop programs? I'm very much into photoshop, and interested in learning.?internet

If your not already a member, you should join NAPP

You'll get a monthly magazine that is full of tutorials (the magazine is awesome), the website has a wealth of information, and they have many classes they do throughout the year.

The President Scott Kelby is one of the best authors on PS, and the other folks they have on staff are top notch. As a member, you'll also be able to ask questions directly to the staff, and get some really in depth answers. Personally I reserve my questions when I can't find the answer somewhere else or it's a really difficult question. Beats the heck out of asking Adobe.

You also get discounts on their books and videos, as well as at some other companies. You also get a discount on their classes.

This is the most in depth knowledge base for PS I know.

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